Old Magazine Covers, Part 4

I'm curious, why don't modern sports car magazines shoot their cars in the dirt anymore? Nothing says exagerated speed like a big plume of dirt...

The June 1950 issue of 'Motor Trend' is a must have if you're a fan of collecting Allard related magazines. Not only is there a great cover photo, but this issue also has a review & cut away drawing of a K1, coverage of the J2 introduction in New York, and a few great Allard distributor advertisements. I picked this issue up on Ebay for $10 (including shipping).

Old Magazine Covers, Part 1

Today we're starting a new feature highlighting the old magazine covers that have featured Allards. If you're interested, most of these old magazines can be found on Ebay or in a good used book store - if you're lucky.

Our first cover, comes from "True, the Man's Magazine" which features Erwin Goldschidt's J2, presumably racing at Watkins Glen. Unfortunately all we have is the cover of the magazine so we don't know what stories are within or even what year it was published in. All I know is, the cover art is amazing!