The Dragster runs again...

Photo courtesy of Jon Spoard 

Photo courtesy of Jon Spoard 

Big news from the Allard Dragster team! On July 6, they celebrated the first powered test run of the Dragster since 1964 at Beaulieu. The next week, the team took the Dragster to Dragstalgia at Santa Pod where they did a few powered runs for the public. Granted, they were slow speed runs, but this car is too historic too make high-speed ¼ mile runs. The team would like to extend a big thank you to all those involved since this project started back in 2007. The next step is to raise the funds to bring the car over to the United States so it can be reunited with the cars Dante Duce, Dean Moon, Mickey Thompson, Don Garlits, TV Tommy Ivo, and the others that made the trip to the UK in 1964. More news to come…?

Here are a few video of the historic run:

The Allard Dragster is Complete!

Congrats to the Allard Dragster Team who handed over the keys of the now restored Allard Dragster to the staff at the Beaulieu Motor Museum this past weekend at the Custom & Hot Rod Festival. We've been really impressed by the progress of the team over the past few years and its been a joy to see it all come together.

To the untrained observer, this was just another car restoration. However, the Dragster is owned by the Beaulieu Trust, a wonderful organization, but one that didn't have the resources to restore this historic car. Then a few enthusiast/volunteers (with no money) approached the Trust with a desire to restore the Dragster. Over the process of a few short years, they raised money, scrounged for parts, and spent countless hours working on "Ally."

We'd like to extend our appreciation to the Allard Dragster team of volunteers and donors for making this restoration a reality and for doing such a great job. However, we'd like to extend a special thank you to Brian Taylor who spearheaded the project and never lost the faith. Without Brian, the Dragster likely would have never have been restored.

What's next for Ally? She'll be seen around the UK and Europe at "cackle-fests" where you'll get to hear that glorious supercharged Chrysler Hemi roar to life. Perhaps she'll even make it to the USA? They still need to raise more money, so if you want to help, please click here to visit their site. You can also click here to read their latest newsletter.

Allard Dragster Debuts @ Dragstalgia

We are pleased to announce that the Allard Dragster…Europe’s first dragster is back! Brian Taylor and the loyal team from the Allard Chrysler Action Group have completed the restoration and debuted “Ally” at Dragstalgia @ Santa Pod on July 14. The crowd went crazy when the dragster was fired up for its’ first “cacklelfest”, where a bunch of historic  dragsters are lined up and fired up and revved one by one. Click here or the photo below to view the gallery.

Photos by: Mark skinner, Jon Spoard, Ingrid Chesworth, Jamie Mcconnell, Elizabeth Rowland, Dave Rudd

It lives!!!!!!!!!!!

From Brian Taylor...

"OK historians log these details in your book of legends. The date - Sunday July 1st. The place - the workshop at Andy Robinson Race Cars in the UK. The time - 2030 hrs local time. Those present - Andy Robinson, Bob Roberts, Martin Dunks and Brian Taylor. After a long days work and fueled with methanol Sydney Allard's 1961 Allard Chrysler dragster burst into life. The first time since 1964.The sigh...t, sound and smell was amazing. Thanks to all those who have backed us and to an amazing team of people working on the car we have brought drag racing history back to life. There is still plenty of work to do before Brian Golder's original restoration has been complated but nothing that will not wait until after Dragstalgia. We will be able to attend the Cacklefest Ball on the strip on Saturday evening on July 14th and during July 15th and for the first time since 1964 those attending will be able to see and hear the car that started it all in European drag racing terms. Make sure you are there. The start-up was recorded on video and we will release lots more info soon. How did I feel? Relieved, proud and so excited. I didn't sleep much last night just re-running that moment in my mind. Wow."

Congrats to everyone that's working on the restoration...the end is near!

Allards @ Silverstone Classic!

By Mike Knapman

The organisers of the Silverstone Classic set out to make 2011’s Classic the biggest and best ever.  “Rocking & Racing” were the two keywords.  They succeeded. Over 1100 entrants ensured full 52 car maximum grids for the historic races that went on from dawn to after dusk.  120 Classic car clubs and 7,000 thousand classic cars were on display.  A staggering 800 E-Types paraded on Saturday.   80,000 members of the classic car public paid to come in. The weather was not bad either, cloudy with sunny periods or vice-versa. This was “the biggest race meeting ever staged in international motor racing history”.

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It Fits!


Chris Eames, Syd McDonald, Andy Robinson, me and John Hunt. The guy at the back is a Beaulieu ghost. Bob Roberts took the photo which is why he is not in the team pic. (source; Bob Roberts)

May 10th marked another important date in the restoration of the Allard Chrysler dragster – a full inspection of the rolling chassis (qualifying condition and identifying part numbers) and the fitting of the Booth-Arons recreated engine into the chassis. There had been worries about the spacers used on the rocker covers and inlet manifold creating fitting problems but these proved to be unfounded. We had to remove the injection unit and the blow-off valve to shoehorn it in, but once manhandled through the frame the engine fitted like a glove.

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The Allard Dragster - A Brief Comic History

Bet you haven't seen this one before...

In August of 1965, the comic book, "Drag-Strip Hotrodders" published a brief history of the 1963 intercontinental drag race duel between the Americans Dante Deuce and Mickey Thomson and the Brit Sydney Allard. The story takes more than a few liberties, but c'mon, it's a comic book! Special thanks to Kerry Horan for sending us this jem. Click hereor the image above to download the pdf. This comic was published by the Charlton Comic Group, Illustrator/Author unknown.



By Brian Taylor, ACAG Chair

Well, sometimes I thought it would never happen, but thanks to the last minute efforts by Booth-Arons, SBS Worldwide, U S Automotive, Aurora Bearing Company, Andy Robinson, Bob Roberts, Doug Hill’s team at the museum and Chris Eames we finally had the car and engine ready for Autosport International. Phew!

Thursday January 13th was the first day of the show, which was only open to the industry. ACAG staff included Stuart Bradbury, Bob Roberts and myself. Everything was set up and ready for the 11:45 am reveal to the attendees and press of our Booth-Arons re-created 354 Chrysler Hemi engine.

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New Allard Dragster Print

The restoration of Europe’s first dragster, Sydney Allard’s 1961 Allard Chrysler owned by the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu, has certainly attracted support from the artistic fraternity. First it was Norwegian artist Tommy Vågen who was closely followed by UK based Paul Whitehouse. Both created paintings that were used to produce a limited number of prints - each signed by Nick Mason of Pink Floyd and Alan Allard. Canadian guitarist Ked Dieter and Booth-Arons partner Sam Eidy penned some lyrics that Ked recorded in his studio under the title Ally Blue. This is available as a download or on an audio CD. And we mustn’t forget Phil Brown who is responsible for all the Allard Chrysler Action Group (ACAG) identity on shirts and leaflets. Others are currently at work creating aspects required for fund raising and promotional material.

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Dragster Update - The Birth of "Ally Blue"


A few weeks ago, Brian Taylor of the Allard Chrylser Action Group that's restoring the Dragster - sent us this story about what's likely the first Allard inspired song out there. 50% of the proceeds will go to help restore the Dragster.


Sam Eidy of Michigan engine builder Booth Arons has been a complete Ally project addict since his company first became involved in the restoration of Europe’s oldest dragster – the 1961 Allard Chrysler built by Sydney Allard. Shortly after Booth-Arons was appointed the official engine builders for the project, and between locating and chasing down parts suppliers, Sam found himself doodling out some lyrics about the car to the tune of ‘Alley Oop’. Although originally written for a comic strip of the same name by Dallas Frazier who recorded it in 1957, the  ‘Alley Oop’ version by the Hollywood Argyles in 1960 is probably the most well known because it made Number 1 in the Billboard Hot 100. But it has also been recorded by other artists such as the Beach Boys and George Thorougood and is familiar to most rock music fans of a ‘certain age’.

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Allard Dragster Update


A lot of progress has been made since we last reported on the Allard Dragster restoration project that is being carried out by the Allard Chrysler Action Group (ACAG) in association with the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu in the UK. Below is an overview of the progress that has been made:

  • The ACAG has partnered with which is an online community focused on vintage drag racing and history.
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